Boston Pianos Serial Numbers
Posted By admin On 25/03/18© 2015 The Piano Shop Bath. Website by var geodir_all_js_msg = {'geodir_plugin_url':'https: / / /wp-content /plugins /geodirectory','geodir_admin_ajax_url':'https: / / /wp-admin /admin-ajax.php','custom_field_not_blank_var':'HTML Variable Name must not be blank','custom_field_not_special_char':'Please do not use special character and spaces in HTML Variable Name.' ,'custom_field_unique_name':'HTML Variable Name should be a unique name.' ,'custom_field_delete':'Are you wish to delete this field?' ,'tax_meta_class_succ_del_msg':'File has been successfully deleted.'
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I have a player piano made by the CONWAY COMPANY BOSTON. The serial number on the sounding board is 75346. - Answered by a verified Musical Instrument Appraiser. Chickering & Sons was an American piano manufacturer located in Boston, Massachusetts, known for producing award-winning instruments of.
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Piano Serial Numbers: Location, location, location. Piano serial numbers usually have five to seven digits, but may have fewer or more, depending on the manufacturer and age of your piano.
Serial numbers may also include a letter as well. Here are the TOP FIVE places to locate the serial number of your spinet, console, or upright piano: Serial number locations are found: 1) On the piano’s cast iron plate. After lifting up the lid, look along the top front area of the plate. The serial number may be to the right or the left, or in the middle. 2) Under the opened lid on the ledge, stamped on a little plaque, to the right or to the left. 3) Stamped on the back of the piano; near the top of the wood frame. 4) Printed on one of the hammers, found on either end of the piano (newer or imported pianos).
5) Printed on one the keys - behind the nameboard, inside the piano (newer or imported pianos). If you cannot find the serial number in any of the locations listed on this page, please watch the video below, to help find more piano serial number locations. Grand Piano Serial Numbers Where Are They Found? Here are the TOP FIVE places to locate the serial number of your BABY GRAND or GRAND piano: () Note: You may have to remove the (1) music desk first and then (2) gently clean out any dust from your piano's plate [using a soft dry cloth + vacuum hose] before these numbers can be found. Serial number locations are found: 1) On the piano’s cast iron plate, near the tuning pins, as you face the keys.
Look to the right or to the left. 2) The Capo d'astro bar. Located on the right, this acts as a 'bridge' to the 'beams' of the cast iron plate. 3) On the piano's soundboard (see link above for a diagram). 4) On a metal plate underneath the piano's top lid, near the strings and soundboard. 5) Immediate interior [front]: On the back of the [a] keyslip (long wooden ledge, runs along the front/bottom of the keys.
Serial number is often hidden and stamped on the other side, facing the keys). On the front of the [b] action frame (after the keyslip is removed), or stamped on [c] one or both of the cheek blocks, viewed to the right and left of the piano's keyboard. On older pianos, you may find 3-5 screws, underneath the keyslip, that need to be removed (lift up, in most cases) to view the action frame.
The serial number may be stamped on the frame's wooden base, immediately under the keys. To the right and left of the keys are two end cheek blocks, which are each secured down with a giant bolt or screw, which passes through the piano's keybed, both of which must be removed, to access the interior of the piano (see video, above). Caution: When unscrewing and removing the cheek blocks, do not mistake the piano's leg screw/bolt, with the cheek block's screw/bolt.
Also, be careful not to drop the cheek blocks once they are removed, which may gouge and permanently damage their delicate condition. To recap the interior: the serial number can be found on the back of the keyslip, on the action's keyframe, or on the cheek blocks (each side), once removed. Scroll down below to find the (1) manufacturer of your piano, and then (2) click on the link to find the serial number.