Datacontract Attribute Serializable

Posted By admin On 18/02/18

Caution You can apply the DataMemberAttribute to private fields or properties. Be aware that the data returned by the member (even if it's private) will be serialized and deserialized, and thus can be viewed or intercepted by a malicious user or process. By default, the CLR member name is used as the name of the data member. By setting the property, you can customize the name of the data member. This can be used to provide a name that may not be allowed as a CLR member name.

If I have a class marked as a DataContract and a few properties on it marked with DataMember attributes I can serialize it out to XML easily, but it would create.

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Pst Merge Keygen Idm. When mapping to XML using the, this name is used as the name of the schema element in a type.

Datacontract Attribute Serializable