Download Game Cracks Database Design

Posted By admin On 08/03/18
Download Game Cracks Database Design

Question I am wondering how to design a relational database for NBA games. There are several similar questions in StackOverflow but no one gives a satisfying answer. Apparently the game data is interesting for basketball fans and tons of websites provide these statistics. Also, video games for basketball, football. Should maintain similar data too. Is there a standard/recommended way to design these databases?

It's impossible to give a complete answer without knowing all the details, but I can give you some pointers that will make your life easier. Bus Driver Speed Mod Download on this page. In your description, tables Country, City and Team seems fine, but I don't understand why you need the City fk in the Person's table (unless it's city of birth, but then the column name should make that clear). Employment Now, about the Employment table - My suggestion is a little different: First, you need to decide if you want to keep only the players or all game related stuff members of the team (such as team coach) in that table.

I would suggest the second option, meaning that you need to keep another table for job types (i.e player, coach, assistance coach etc. Program De Scris Pentru Copii In Romana. ) and have an fk to it in the employment table. Historical data As for the historical data problem - there are some rules you want to take into consideration: for example, if your player is currently employed in a team, he probably can't be employed in another team at the same time, However, he can be a part of his countries national team while employed in a regular team. To cope with that, you will have to create some business logic rules in the forms of check constraints and perhaps some triggers to keep data integrity. Coping with the teams change is quite easy, since you have the player's joining date and departure date for the team - all you need is to make sure that there is no overlapping between employments for any player in regular teams (remember the national team is an exception). Changes while the player is employed in a team To cope with the changes in jersey number, or whatever data that might be changed while the player is employed by the team, I suggest adding a table for employment details, that will be connected to the employment table, have a start date and end date and keep all the data that might change while the player is employed in a team. Again, you will need to make sure records do not overlap (date wise) for each employment id.

Active players The active players table should be calculated per game, so it should have the game id as an fk. I suggest a simply table with gameId, teamId and playerId, while the primary key is gameId+PlayerId (I've left the teamId out of the primary key since it's another layer of protection in case the employment data is messed up and a player is considered employed in both teams on the date of the game) Games The Game table should have a primary key of game date + home team + away team. Note that games might be held on neutral stadiums, so you would want to test for games where the home team and away team are flipped before inserting new game data in your table. Also, you might want to keep a stadium table that will have an fk to the city and keep the stadium id in the games table instead of the city id. Game statistics You should strive to keep a single table to describe all events in the game. This table should of course have an fk to the games table and an fk to the teams table. From your question I understand that the statistics is done on the player level, so you also want to keep an fk to the players table.