Installer Linux Sur Xbox 360 Sans Puce Color

Posted By admin On 07/05/18
Installer Linux Sur Xbox 360 Sans Puce Color

Well, recently I switched to PC gaming, so my old xbox 360 is gathering dust, and I herd that you can install Ubuntu on them, but the problem is, the disk drive on my 360 is broken, and every guide has you use a linux install disk. Im wondering if theirs a way around this, such as using the Xbox's internal SATA drive to flash the firmware, then installing linux on it's hard drive. I have the hard drive out of the case (it's a 60GB one), so it would be easy to connect to my PC to install stuff on.

If you're wondering, im just going to be using this as a mini-HTPC, for music and netflix and what not. No you cannot install ubuntu on xbox. The only linux available for xbox360 is a dead project called 'free60' and it only works on xbox manufactured before 2009. Besides xbox sucks as a htpc, has no hardware decoding chip and uses a ton of power. Your better off buying a roku box or similar. Since Reset Glitch Hack has been released, there is posibile to run unsigned code on every xbox 360. And definitely YES, you can install Linux Ubuntu or Debian on xbox 360.

Installer Linux Sur Xbox 360 Sans Puce Color

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Gpro Calculator. Is it possible to replace the Xbox 360 bootloader and/or OS so that the machine natively runs Linux from that point forward? (Without needing to rely on a mod to circumvent the bootloader on every boot). No you cannot install ubuntu on xbox.