Management Consulting Case Study Pdf

Posted By admin On 16/05/18
Management Consulting Case Study Pdf

MANAGEMENT CONSULTING A Guide to the Profession Fourth editon. The responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles, studies and other contributions.

Case Studies Learn how a university leveraged a margin analysis strategy to understand academic program financial contributions. RSM helped a nonprofit organization cut costs, realize additional value with strategic IT upgrades and better serve its employees and members. Learn how RSM helped a credit union save $1 million through improved operational efficiencies.

RSM partners with medical foundation to create sustainable change of the financial processes. Learn how RSM helped a credit union improve the processes, tools and reports, and staffing involved in their risk and compliance practices. To remain viable, a manufacturer worked with RSM specialists to develop a realistic road map that improved its cash flow and profitability. RSM's combination of technical and industry experience made the difference in this credit union's loan origination system implementation. RSM contract negotiation assistance helps credit union replace core system with confidence and better align its IT resources.

Case study focuses on how a struggling bank ascended from CAMELS 5 to a 2 thanks to its dedicated leadership and RSM’s banking professionals. Ps3 Update 4.50 Download Size here. RSM implements a cloud-based NetSuite solution for Lakeside Capital, enhancing flexibility, access and reporting speed, and removing data silos.

A state housing agency improves grant decision-making process by implementing a new scorecard process. Learn how a manufacturer improved its product line profitability while streamlining the back office. To improve their asset management strategy, a state agency partnered with RSM to develop a focused asset management function. Learn how this distributor improved its operations and customer service by redesigning its space, processes and quality controls to minimize errors. RSM's Rapid Assessment® service offers an answer.

Based on decades of experience helping companies like yours identify and address their most pressing challenges, our Rapid Assessment® approach offers you a low-cost, low-risk holistic overview of your current position. Learn how RSM helps a private equity client through a fast-paced carve-out transition needing infrastructure and technology system renewal. Following a technology assessment, RSM implemented a new framework for the North Kansas City School District, allowing teachers to take advantage of state-of-the art tools. Mason County School District implements technology solutions to enhance performance of educational programs within budgetary constraints.