Nova Scotia Anglers Handbook To Higher

Posted By admin On 13/04/18
Nova Scotia Anglers Handbook To Higher Education

Pictou County Rivers Association. Shore of Nova Scotia Atlantic Salmon and. Recreational fishing in Canada and consider circulating to anglers.

At Rock Pile Margaree River Guiding: Full day = 1 Person $ 175.-, extra Person $ 25.-, half day = 1 Person $ 115.-, extra Person $ 20. The Essential Eddie Money Zip. - (Rates can be higher, depends on the Guide) Cancellation: 14 days before = no charge, 1 – 14 day before = full amount of guiding. Fly Fishing Tackle Rental: Rod/Reel $ 20.-/day, Waders $ 15.-/day Nova Scotia Fishing License Fees (15% HST included): General License Resident: $26.73 Resident (Senior): $6.57 (65 years & older) Non-resident (Seasonal): $61.73 Non-resident (7- day): $33.72 1-Day (resident and non-resident): $12.71 Salmon Fishing Licences (15% HST included) Resident Salmon Fishing Licences (16 years and older) $40.73 Resident Salmon Fishing Licence (under 16 years) $12.28 Non-resident Salmon Fishing Licence (seasonal) $152.75 Non-resident (7- day) Salmon Fishing Licence $61.73 All prices in Canadian Dollar!