Nova Scotia Anglers Handbook To Higher
Posted By admin On 13/04/18Pictou County Rivers Association. Shore of Nova Scotia Atlantic Salmon and. Recreational fishing in Canada and consider circulating to anglers.
At Rock Pile Margaree River Guiding: Full day = 1 Person $ 175.-, extra Person $ 25.-, half day = 1 Person $ 115.-, extra Person $ 20. The Essential Eddie Money Zip. - (Rates can be higher, depends on the Guide) Cancellation: 14 days before = no charge, 1 – 14 day before = full amount of guiding. Fly Fishing Tackle Rental: Rod/Reel $ 20.-/day, Waders $ 15.-/day Nova Scotia Fishing License Fees (15% HST included): General License Resident: $26.73 Resident (Senior): $6.57 (65 years & older) Non-resident (Seasonal): $61.73 Non-resident (7- day): $33.72 1-Day (resident and non-resident): $12.71 Salmon Fishing Licences (15% HST included) Resident Salmon Fishing Licences (16 years and older) $40.73 Resident Salmon Fishing Licence (under 16 years) $12.28 Non-resident Salmon Fishing Licence (seasonal) $152.75 Non-resident (7- day) Salmon Fishing Licence $61.73 All prices in Canadian Dollar!